Starts with a letter, consists of 6-18 letters/numbers

6-20 letters, numbers, symbols (_+=()*&^%$#@!)

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    When you visit any website, the website may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of Cookies. This information may be about you, your preferences, or your device, or it may be used to make the website work as you expect it to. The information does not usually directly identify you, but it can give you a more personalized web experience.

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    These cookies are essential components required for the operation of our website, so they cannot be disabled in our system. These cookies are set based on your instructions and are considered as your service requests, such as logging in.

Please provide us the information about the role you want to retrieve and help us verify your identity

Please enter the email you register

The platform where you played the game before

The server where your role was

Your exact role name

Type your in-game itemlock Password to help us confirm your identity

Please provide us more information to help prove your identity,such as latest payment record, approximately balens and bound balens amount, etc. Upload Image
You can also upload some images to help prove your identity (Picture only)